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Sunday, April 15, 2012

life as it is

I am not sure if I should start freaking out already thinking about the world nearing its end. Somehow on the back of my mind I feel I will get to see the world standing healthy on its tiny little toes for a zillion more years.

Whatever has happened and is happening I still feel it’s not creating any impact on the two legged creatures. They still move on and worry about silly everyday things.

Isn’t it time to live the moment and forget about everything else. I don’t wish to get philosophical nor act like a preacher .You may or may not be here tomorrow and the reality sucks. So better start doing things that makes you happy. Be with people who make your life better. Trickle down happiness. Shell out your energy. Forgive yourself. Above all believe in yourself and your abilities. You are braver, stronger and smarter than you think you are. You are here for a purpose. You can’t leave unless you accomplish it.

So be a  good Samaritan and live a life closer to nature  J J J

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