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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Telepathic Complications

This is for the sweet girls out there who fall in love so quickly later to realize it was just a mere crush or so called infatuation. So let me tell you one thing in advance. Don’t expect me to spill out truth here all the time.Well... sometimes you need to create the mystery element for my wonderful readers. In a girl’s world, crushes are an integral part ;)

So you believe in Telepathy? Has it ever occurred to you it can be fashioned out with a few simple tricks ;) The magic is assured to linger on for some time at least J

Say, you want lots of coincidences to happen. Pretend you appear everywhere out of the blue, but all the time you are stalking the other person ;) pretty clean huh to outwit the lame ;) But trust me, it works. The target is bound to feel surprised to find you wherever they go. But make sure you are up to something and not loiter around feeling embarrassed of being caught. And make sure to give one glance, a strong seductive one ;) and then look somewhere. But make sure you do this exercise with no regrets or guilty feeling at the end of the day.

So the eye battle always works. Now the talking part! You think a simple HI is the easiest word to say to a person whom you have a crush on? Well... let me tell you from my experience. You tend to swallow your tongue when you are around that person. You seem to be lost in your own world and then you realize you missed the wonderful opportunity of finally nearing your chances of a rendezvous with your crush. You need to find the strength to approach that person because you never know what you actually think you are interested in might be the one repulsive factor ;)

And the rehearsals??? Please avoid even thinking about it. You never know how tricky your mind gets at that special moment. It has the ability to juggle words and like the search engine Google blurt out something else even before you realize what you said. So chill, if it’s a HI ,just say it and keep your mouth shut and Yes, it can create a magic someday maybe...If it doesn't , it’s time to replace your crush ;)Fag it out :P

P.S: This is purely entertainment focused and terms and conditions apply here also ;)

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